Explore School Choice Options And Enjoy Free Family Fun
WHAT: Hundreds of Connecticut families interested in exploring their Pre-K through Grade 12 school choice options in the Greater Hartford Region—and enjoying FREE winter wonderland-themed fun—are expected to attend the Connecticut State Department of Education’s Regional School Choice Office (RSCO) Kick-Off School Choice Fair this Saturday, Dec. 9.
The RSCO School Choice Fair is the first major event since RSCO’s application for the 2024-2025 school year launched earlier this week. The on-time application period closes March 15, 2024.
Families can meet with RSCO staff and school representatives to learn about the school choice options that best fit their child’s interests and passions, sports, clubs and transportation, as well as receive application assistance. Free food, games, face painting and photos with special characters make it a fun event for all ages.
Through the RSCO application, all Connecticut families with students entering Pre-K3 through Grade 12 can apply to attend three different types of free, public schools in the Greater Hartford Region, including:
43 magnet schools incorporating specialized themes into the core curriculum, such as STEM, visual and performing arts, and dual language. Open Choice public schools in high-performing school districts outside of their town. 3 regional technical high schools or CTECS, specializing in career and college readiness.
Pre-register for this free event at ChooseYourSchool.org.
WHEN: 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., Saturday, December 9, 2023
WHERE: Academy of Aerospace and Engineering, 1101 Kennedy Road, Windsor, CT, 06095
Connecticut families exploring school choice options
Representatives from all RSCO magnet, Open Choice and technical high schools
Free entertainment for the whole family
Photo by CDC: https://www.pexels.com/photo/boy-in-green-shirt-3992949/