Saturday, June 29, 2024
HomeHealth & WellnessA Toothsome Issue: How To Avoid Phony Veneer Techs

A Toothsome Issue: How To Avoid Phony Veneer Techs

By Randi Locke

There is an old saying that ā€œbeauty is painā€ and no one knows this better than cosmetic dentists. In 2022 the cosmetic dentistry industry was projected to be worth 33.6 billion dollars according to Grand View Research. By 2030 the industry is said to have increased by 13.5%. Thanks to newer procedures like veneers. Veneers are shells that are placed over the tooth to protect it from damage. However, they also serve a cosmetic purpose for those trying to correct a chipped tooth or discoloration. There are three types of veneers: porcelain, composite resin veneers, and no prep. Porcelain veneers are the most common and expensive. Porcelain veneers are created by shaving down your teeth and using an impression of those teeth to create a mold. The mold is then shipped off to a lab to be made. The veneer is applied to the teeth by using tooth cement. Composite veneers are more gentle. A thin composite layer is applied to the top of the etched tooth and it is cured with a special light. The process is repeated until the desired look is achieved. No prep veneers take the least amount of time and they only focus on the surface of the tooth. Instead of shaving the whole tooth or etching the enamel, a film or half shell is placed over the tooth. While veneers can be a great cosmetic enhancement, they come at a lofty cost. With the price starting at $950 a tooth, veneers are a long-term investment.

Recently there has been an uptick of veneer techs and cosmetic dentists claiming to offer veneers at a fraction of the cost of the dentist’s office. If this sounds too good to be true that is because it is. Disgruntled clients have taken to social media platforms like TikTok to warn people about people doing veneers and other cosmetic dentist services without a dentistry license. People who thought they were getting veers at a great price found their teeth were worse off than they started. One unlucky client took to Facebook Live to share her experience. The young lady went to this veneer tech in Tampa Florida that goes by the Instagram tag The Veneer Fairy. The veneer fairy did a composite set of partial veneers. Though the veneers ended up looking the way the young lady wanted, she ended up in pain not even a day later. She woke up to find her mouth swollen. She returned to the veneer tech hoping to get them taken out. Upon her return the tech not only did not have the proper equipment to remove the veneers, but there was no pain medication present. Forcing them to rip out the veneers.After she was in even more pain. When she finally made it to the dentist it was revealed that she had contracted an infection from the veneers. Resulting in thousands of dollars in dental repairs. Thanks to this woman opening up dentists and disgruntled clients are warning viewers about the dangers of veneer techs. Here is how you can not only spot these techs but also report them.

Research their accreditation

The first thing you must do is look for accreditation by the American Dental Association. Although most accredited dentists will have DDS at the end of their title, some may not have their accreditations up to date. Thankfully this research is simple. Not only does each state have its board of Dental Examiners, but they also offer a public database to research the current status of doctors in your state.

Be observant of what they post on social media

If you look up the term veneer on instagram there are currently 3.4 million videos tagged with the term. Upon first glance in the search engine, one can see nothing but straight white teeth. But when you click on the profile look at what they post. When you do ask these questions Do they only do veneers? Do they have DDS in their bio? Where are they located? Do they have nurses? Are they in a dental office or a suite?

Discern the difference between a good deal and a quick buck

One of the reasons the veneer techs can get away with what they do is because of what they charge. As stated veneers done by dentists can start as low as $950 a tooth. This excludes services such as cleaning and anesthesia. If a veneer tech only offers let’s say $1000 for a whole set of teeth be wary. Even if they have the cleaning tools and anesthesia, they need to have connections with a reputable lab to source quality material.

Know your teeth

Tooth health is not something to take lightly. If a cavity is neglected or an infection forms it can travel to the bloodstream. Cavities and infections cannot be covered up by veneers they need to be treated. Even if you do not have any issues, not all teeth are the same. The options that may be the quickest do not often mean it’s right for everyone. Some dentists will even advise against veneers due to the strength of the tooth enamel.

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